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Dry firing: Take advantage during the quarantine and make it a habit every day.

What separates Green Berets from regular infantry? What separates the U.S. military from most around the world? CONSTANT PRACTICE. The betterment of oneself and those around you is the division line between the amateur and the professional.

The value in dry firing comes from the hundreds and thousands of repetitions. It is one of the greatest returns one can have in maximizing their time for the value received. Those repetitions however come with a requirement: conducting them using proper fundamentals.

First things first. Safety is always paramount working with and around firearms. Preparation is always incorporated into any practice session.

-Find a location in your house or outside that one could safely practice. Setting good examples for family members is vitally important.

-Make your firearm safe and conduct a 3 point safety check (weapon on safe, drop the magazine, lock the slide to the rear [visually inspect for brass from ammunition or debris in the chamber, upper receiver, and the magazine well]).

The fundamentals of marksmanship

Each of the following work in a supporting relationship, many simultaneously, to maximize hits on target.

-Stance: Good athletic stance equally distributing the weight between both feet while both feet are slightly staggered.

-Grip: Minimize as much as possible any gap between the webbing between the thumb and index finger with the beavertail of the firearm. Gripping intensity will develop over time. Ideally you do not want to be gripping so hard that your hand is shaking but at the same time not be weak in controlling the firearm.

-Draw: Clearing the holster and any clothing obstructions is key for any time you draw your firearm. Pull the firearm up to meet your other hand as quickly as safely possible and orient the barrel towards your intended target.

-Presentation: Presenting the pistol is the act of pushing the firearm towards the threat to take advantage of the sights as well as leveraging body mechanics in this endeavor.

-Sight Picture/ Sight Alignment: As you present out the first thing you should see is your front sight post bisecting your intended target. Your natural point of aim should have your sights aligned with minimal to no head tilt to accurately fire the firearm.

-Trigger control: As you reach full presentation or near full extension of your arms, one can place one's index finger on the trigger and begin to take off the slack.

-Breath Control: there exists a natural pause at the top and bottom of the breathing cycle. Instinctually humans will also hold their breath when focusing during an activity like aiming. The trick is to utilize that pause most advantageously to maximize your shot.

-Follow Through: So you've taken the shot. Congratulations. Hopefully you utilized all of these fundamentals in harmony and put a hit on target. Follow-through is the act of reacquiring that proper sight picture/sight alignment and prepared to make that second shot if need be.

While these fundamentals may same basic when written on the page and common sense, actual application of them is much more difficult. Firing a pistol is a perishable skillset and practicing should be done as often as possible to maintain a high degree of readiness.

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